garlic scapes Tag

Sautéing greens is a simple and easy way to create a delicious side dish for any meal. It’s a great skill to master if you want to get the most out of seasonal eating and enjoying the nutritious benefits of leafy greens like kale, chard, escarole and spinach as well as the tops of roots like beets, radishes, turnips and kohlrabi.  Sautéed greens pair well with breakfast dishes like eggs or as a side for almost any grilled protein.

Simple Sautéed Greens

3 Tbsp avocado or olive oil
¼ cup garlic scapes, finely chopped
1 cup scallions, chopped into ¼ inch pieces
6 cups greens, chopped (kale, escarole, radish greens, etc.)
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper

  • Add oil to skillet and allow to heat up (medium low heat).
  • Add garlic scapes and scallions to pan, with a pinch of the salt. Sauté for 2 minutes until lightly sizzling and fragrant.

  • Place chopped greens in a colander, rinse, and add greens to sauté pan while still slightly damp. Mix well while cooking so that all of the greens cook evenly.
  • Cook approximately 6-7 minutes or until the greens reach desired tenderness (don’t overcook- you can always remove from heat and put a lid on to cook for a few more minutes if needed.)
  • Season with remaining salt and pepper to taste.
  • Serve immediately.

Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:


Fresh basil is such a wonderful addition to our CSA shares.  I wanted to use this fresh aromatic herb to create a flavorful dressing that could be used on salad, but also in a variety of other ways.  This dressing can be used as a sandwich spread, as a topping on baked potatoes, on top of your favorite protein, drizzled on roasted vegetables, or even used to dip bread or raw veggies into.

Creamy Basil Dressing

1 cup basil leaves, loosely packed
1 large scallion
2 garlic scapes
5 oz plain yogurt
½ tsp lemon zest
2 tsp lemon juice
¾ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp honey (optional)

  • Place basil leaves, scallion, and garlic scapes in food processor. Pulse until finely chopped.  Scrape sides and pulse again.
  • Add remaining ingredients to food processor. Mix for at least two minutes or until all ingredients are chopped and well combined.
  • Remove and place in glass container.
  • Store in refrigerator for up to a week. Shake well before using.
  • Enjoy!

Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

Our shares are filled with so many amazing vegetables this week thanks to the hard work and dedication of our farmers at Blooming Glen.  I decided to use several of the items we received in this week’s recipe, including the summer squash, new potatoes, parsley, and torpedo onions.  This dish is full of flavor and can be served as a side to any meal or as an appetizer.  Make a double batch and freeze half to enjoy at a later date!

Summer Squash and Potato Bites

½ lb new potatoes
1 cup shredded summer squash, tightly packed
1 ½ torpedo onion bulbs, finely chopped
3 garlic scapes, finely chopped or 2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
¾ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 egg

  • Wash potatoes. Keep whole.  Do not peel.
  • In a medium saucepan, boil water. Once water is boiling, place potatoes in and boil for 8-10 minutes depending on size of potatoes.  I used the larger ones in my share, so I cooked them for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the potatoes and place in freezer or in an ice bath to cool off.
  • While potatoes are cooling, place shredded summer squash between paper or cloth towels to remove moisture. I like to place a heavy pot on top to help with this.
  • Once potatoes are cooled, shred them on a box grater.

  • Place shredded potatoes & summer squash, and chopped onions, garlic scapes, and parsley in a large bowl. Mix to combine.

  • Add salt, pepper, and egg. Mix well.
  • Line baking sheet with parchment paper and then grease with cooking spray or oil.
  • Using a small cookie scoop, scoop the mixture onto the baking sheet. This recipe will make about 2 dozen bites.

  • Bake at 400°F for 35 minutes.*
  • Enjoy!

*You may also use an air fryer for this recipe.  Set air fryer to 400°F and cook for 10 minutes.


Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

Fennel is full of nutritious vitamins and minerals.  It’s known to be good for bone health, heart health, immune support, digestive health, reducing inflammation and so much more.  Fennel can be grilled, sautéed, roasted, or eaten raw.  The first part of this recipe utilizes the stalks and fronds in a Fennel Sun Tea and is such an easy and refreshing way to use fennel.  The second part of this recipe transforms the bulbs from their raw, licorice flavored state to sweet, caramelized bites in a Honey Garlic Roasted Fennel side dish.

Fennel Sun Tea

5 tea bags, black or green
1 ½ cups fennel fronds and stalks, washed
6 cups water
Lemon slices, for garnish 

  • Chop fennel into small pieces.
  • Place tea bags, fennel, and water in large glass container.

  • Allow to brew for at least 8 hours. I place the container on the table on my back porch in the sunshine.

  • After it has brewed, strain out the tea bags and fennel.
  • Serve over ice and garnish with a fennel frond and/or a slice of lemon.

  • Store in refrigerator for up to a week.

**If you prefer sweet tea, feel free to sweeten with sugar, honey, or your favorite sweetener.

Honey Garlic Roasted Fennel

2 fennel bulbs
3 Tbsp salted butter
1 ½ tsp honey
¾ tsp garlic powder* 

*Can replace garlic powder with a fresh crushed garlic clove (1) or finely chopped garlic scapes (1 ½ Tbsp).

  • Slice bulbs into ¼ inch thickness and place in medium bowl.

  • In a small saucepan, melt butter on stovetop. Add honey and garlic powder.  Stir until honey is dissolved and well combined.
  • Pour warm butter mixture over fennel slices. Toss to coat.
  • Spread fennel slices on a metal baking sheet.

  • Bake at 400°F for 25-30 minutes. Mix once about halfway through cooking.
  • Fennel should be caramelized when done. Remove from oven.
  • Serve hot or cold. Can be served as a side dish, on top of salad, or tossed with pasta.


Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

I had no idea what kohlrabi was until we joined Blooming Glen Farm CSA.  It was a wonderful treat many years ago that we still enjoy each season, thanks to our amazing farmers.  I love kohlrabi raw, so this recipe showcases the crisp, juicy texture of the kohlrabi bulb in a “carpaccio” style dish.  Paired with sweet baby onions, the curly garlic scapes, and some fresh parsley from this week’s share, the thinly sliced kohlrabi makes a beautiful and tasty side dish.

Kohlrabi “Carpaccio”

1 bunch kohlrabi, stems removed
½ sweet onion (bulb), chopped
2 garlic scapes, chopped
¼ cup olive oil
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 lime, juiced
2 tsp honey
½ tsp sea salt
Pinch black pepper

Fresh parsley, finely chopped
Fruit (peach, apple, pear), chopped into cubes
Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc), chopped
Crumbled cheese (goat, feta, blue, etc)*
*This week’s cheese share, Red Cat from Birchrun Hill Farm, works well for this.


  • Peel kohlrabi bulbs. Thinly slice into rounds using a mandolin (set to 1/16 inch setting, or thinnest setting).

  • In a food processor, pulse the sweet onion and garlic scapes until finely chopped.\

  • Whisk together the marinade- olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lime juice, honey, sea salt, and black pepper.

  • Add the chopped onion and garlic scapes to the marinade and mix well.
  • Place kohlrabi slices in the marinade. Make sure all slices are covered well and are not stuck together.  Set aside for 30 minutes.

  • Once done marinating, gently place about 8-10 kohlrabi slices on each plate in a circular, overlapping pattern.

  • Sprinkle each plate with your choice of fruit, nuts, cheese, and parsley.
  • Drizzle with extra marinade if desired.
  • Enjoy!


Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

Radishes have a wealth of health benefits and are full of vitamins and minerals.  They are known to help alleviate digestive upset, minimize heart problems, and support a healthy respiratory system.  They are virtually free of fat and carbohydrates, so they make a great low calorie healthy option.  If you aren’t a fan of the spicy, peppery flavor of a raw radish, then this is definitely a recipe you want to try.  By roasting these beautiful root vegetables, the spiciness gets replaced by a mellow sweetness.

Roasted Radishes

1 bunch radishes, green tops removed
1 Tbsp olive or avocado oil
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp black pepper


  • Clean and cut radishes in half. If the bulbs are larger, cut into fourths.
  • Place in medium bowl. Add oil and spices.  Toss to coat.
  • Place in baking dish or on baking sheet in a single layer.
  • Bake at 425°F for 25 minutes or until they are tender and caramelized. The outside should be crisp, but the inside should be tender.

  • Serve warm with garlic scape dip (recipe below).

Garlic Scape Dip

8 oz sour cream
3 garlic scapes, roughly chopped
½ tsp sea salt
Pinch black pepper

Add garlic scapes, salt, and pepper to food processor.  Pulse until scapes are finely chopped.

Scrape sides and pulse again.  Add sour cream and mix until well combined.  Chill until ready to serve.

*This dip can also be used for raw vegetables.  It goes well with the kohlrabi, cucumbers, and sugar snap peas in our shares this week. You could even add a fresh herb to the dip, like the dill in this week’s share.

Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

Summer is officially here and we are almost ready to celebrate the Fourth of July.  As you prepare for barbecues, picnics, or camping adventures, this recipe is one that incorporates several share ingredients.  It is versatile and can be adjusted depending on what you have available.  Make it for your family or double it for a crowd.  Heat up the grill or cook it on a campfire!

Grilled Veggie Packets

2 medium summer squash
1 lb new potatoes
2 sweet onions
7 garlic scapes
4 Tbsp olive oil, avocado oil, or melted butter
1 tsp sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp smoked paprika
Optional- fresh chopped herbs

  • Preheat grill.
  • Cut 5 sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil into 12 x 18 inch strips. If you do not have heavy duty foil, you can use two sheets of regular foil per packet.
  • Prepare vegetables.
    • Summer squash- Slice into 1 inch disks. If the circles are really big, you can cut them in half (creating half circles).
    • New potatoes- Wash and leave skin on. Cut into ¼ – ½ inch cubes.  You want these to be smaller than the squash since they take longer to cook.
    • Sweet onions- Peel, quarter, and slice into wedges.
    • Garlic scapes- Cut into ½ inch pieces.

  • Place all prepared vegetables into a large bowl.
  • In a small bowl, combine oil/butter, sea salt, black pepper, and smoked paprika.
  • Pour oil/butter mixture over vegetables and toss until all vegetables are coated.
  • Divide vegetable evenly among foil packets. This recipe allows for about 2 cups per foil.

  • Fold foil to seal and wrap securely.
  • Grill temperature should be about 375-400°F.
  • Place foil packets on grill. Allow to cook for about 15 minutes, turning every five minutes to insure even cooking.

  • Remove packets from grill and carefully open.
  • You can serve right from the foil or place the grilled vegetables on a serving dish.
  • Garnish with fresh chopped herbs of choice or a dollop of herb butter (see recipe below).


*If you are getting a mushroom share, feel free to add mushrooms to these packets.

*Pair with your favorite grilled protein.

*These packets can be made ahead of time.  Just refrigerate after assembling.  Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before grilling.

*To make in the oven, cook for about 15 minutes at 400°F.

*Can also be made on a campfire!

*You can change the variety of vegetables in the grill packets as the produce we receive changes throughout the season.

Herb Butter

8 ounces salted butter, room temperature
2 Tbsp fresh herbs, finely chopped (dill, basil, parsley, cilantro, etc.)

Other optional add-ins:
finely chopped scallions (1 Tbsp)
finely chopped garlic scapes (1 Tbsp)
crushed garlic cloves (2)

  • Cream butter.
  • Add herbs and any optional add ins. Mix well.
  • Place butter on a piece of wax or parchment paper.

  • Shape into a log using paper to help mold.  Log should be about 6 inches long.  Twist ends to secure.

  • Refrigerate for at least two hours.
  • Herb butter will be good in the refrigerator for at least two weeks.
  • If you want to preserve for longer, you can freeze the whole log right in the paper.


Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

Pesto is a great way to combine some of the greens we get in our shares each week.  Traditional pesto uses basil, but the recipe this week features kale combined with garlic scapes and scallions.  This pesto can be used on pasta, grilled cheese, panini sandwiches or wraps, pizza, omelets, and so much more.  This recipe also freezes well.

Kale Pesto

6 cups kale (chopped, packed)
1/3 cup garlic scapes, chopped (about 5 scapes)
¼ cup scallions, chopped
½ cup nuts (cashews, walnuts, or pistachios)*
1 lemon juiced (about 3-4 Tbsp juice)
1 tsp lemon zest
1 ½ tsp sea salt
½ cup parmesan cheese **
1 cup olive oil

  • To prepare kale: wash and dry. Remove stems and coarsely chop.
  • Place half of the kale into a food processor. Pulse to finely chop.
  • Add remaining kale, garlic scapes, and scallions to food processor. Process until all ingredients are finely chopped and well combined.
  • Add nuts, lemon juice, lemon zest, sea salt, and parmesan cheese to food processor. Pulse to combine all ingredients.
  • Scrape down the sides and pulse again.
  • With food processor on low, slowly drizzle in the olive oil.
  • Process pesto until smooth.
  • Add additional olive oil if you want the pesto to be thinner.
  • Store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to a week.
  • To preserve for later- place pesto in ice cube trays, freeze overnight. Remove cubes from tray and store in freezer bag.


*If using salted pistachios, do not add sea salt.  Taste the pesto at the end and add sea salt to taste.
**For a vegan or dairy free option, substitute with vegan parmesan or nutritional yeast.


Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website:

With the weather getting warmer it seemed the perfect time to cook some simple food that can be good on its own, be packed for a veg heavy picnic, or work as the anchor for food off the grill.

Dandelion & Kale Caesar
This salad is perfect for packing because the hearty greens actually improve after being dressed, becoming more supple and absorbing the dressing. For this reason we make the tonnato creamier than regular caesar dressing. (*Tonnato is an Italian condiment often made with tuna, anchovies, olive oil, and mayonnaise or egg.)

1/2 bunch kale, cut into quarter inch ribbons, bottom stems removed
1 bunch dandelion, cut every two inches, bottom stems removed
1 6oz can of tuna, drained
1 yolk
1 oz white wine vinegar
.5 oz grated pecorino cheese, with more to garnish
1 tablespoon water
1 garlic clove
3 oz olive oil
salt and pepper
anchovy filets
crusty bread to serve

Place the yolk, grated cheese, vinegar, water, garlic, and half the tuna in a blender. Blend on medium speed until smooth, then stream the oil in. Season with salt and pepper. Place the greens and remaining tuna in a bowl, and dress well, seasoning aggressively with black pepper and salt. Place a piece of well toasted crusty bread on each plate or container you are using and place the dressed salad on top of it. Sprinkle some extra cheese and place over a few anchovy filets.

Genovese Pasta Salad

In Genoa, where basil pesto comes from, they enjoy their pasta with beans and potato. It’s delicious, but rather than hot, it makes a great salad (even better when the first cherry tomatoes come). Just like the Genovese, you can cook everything in one pot.

8 oz Orecchiette, or your favorite short pasta
1 bunch basil
1/4 bunch parsley
1 bunch garlic scapes, ends and flower heads trimmed
1 oz grated pecorino
1 clove garlic, crushed
1.5 oz sunflower seeds
4 oz olive oil
4 small potatoes, quartered
1/2 quart green or wax beans, trimmed
1/2 lemon

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil and salt aggressively. Add the pasta and cook according to the directions on the label. With 8 minutes to go, add the potato. With 1 minute to go, add the beans. Drain well and dress the pasta and vegetables in a little olive oil to prevent sticking. Heat a cast iron pan to smoking and place the scapes in. Add a shot of oil and let them char one minute, resist the temptation to move them, then turn, and let char another minute. Remove to a board, and let cool, then chop finely. Add the scapes, herbs, garlic, cheese, and seeds to a food processor. Blend thoroughly, then stream in the oil. Season with salt and dress the pasta and vegetables with it. Squeeze the lemon through and dress as soon as possible to eating.

Grilled Cucumber and Fennel, tahini dressing

Grilling cucumber brings out the vegetale notes, and makes it more nuanced, and somehow juicy, and the fennel adds good sweetness. Keeping the vegetables in large pieces helps them hold up.

1 cucumber, peeled
2 fennel bulbs
1 clove garlic, grated
2 Tbs. tahini
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 bunch of dill, chopped fine
2 Tbs. water
1 teaspoon smoked paprika, preferably from Coddiwomple Canning
2 oz olive oil
Sumac to garnish

In a bowl place the tahini and stream the olive oil in while continuously whisking. Next, add the lemon juice, and then the water until you reach the desired consistency. Add the grated garlic, paprika, and dill and season with salt. Cut off the fennel stalks and reserve for future use. Cut ends off the bulbs, then in half, and remove the out leaves. Cut the core out of the bulb in a ‘V’, leaving enough that the bulb stays intact. Cut the cucumber into quarters lengthwise, then slice away some of the seedy core to make a flat surface. Cut those pieces in half horizontally. Rub the vegetables with olive oil and season with salt. On a very hot grill, place the cucumber seed side down for one or two minutes until charred but still mostly raw. Remove and cool. Place the fennel cut side down on a less hot section, and cook until well grilled, and about half cooked. Remove and cool. Dress a plate with the tahini and place the vegetables over top. Give a liberal sprinkle of sumac and serve.


The first time my aunt went to visit our family in Italy each of our great aunts served her minestrone. More than 40 years later she refuses to eat it. I don’t suffer from the same affliction. Soup like this is restorative, and a great way to use the odds and ends left over from your CSA, plus the trimmings in broth, extra which can always be stored in the fridge for up to one week and frozen for no more than three months. We would serve it with a side of crusty bread or focaccia and a ball of mozzarella or burrata for a perfect lunch.

2 quarts vegetable broth (recipe below)
1 onion, small diced
3 cloves garlic, sliced
2 fennel stalks, sliced
1 squash, diced
1 cup peeled tomato and their juice, lightly crushed
1 cup dried beans, cooked ahead
1 cup kale, finely sliced
6 small potatoes, cut in half
1/4 bunch parsley, chopped
ground chili or chili sauce

In an instant pot, place all the trims from the vegetables for the week. Add a touch of oil and salt and turn on sauté . When you smell a bit of burning, and this is good!, add two quarts of water, seal, and pressure cook for 30 minutes. If you don’t have a pressure cooker, cook the vegetable bits in a heavy bottom pot until fragrant, then add the water and simmer for 70 minutes. Then strain the broth through a fine mesh sieve.

Sweat the onion and garlic on medium heat in some olive oil until translucent. Add a pinch of salt now, and every time you add an ingredient, to build the layers. Next add the fennel, and cook for one minute. Then the squash, potato, and kale, cooking until the kale starts to wilt. Then add the rest of the ingredients, bring to a boil, then cover and simmer on low for 20 minutes. Adjust the seasoning to your liking, and garnish with a splash of oil and some chili.

Palmer Marinelli is the Executive Director of Roughwood Table, an organization that uses heirlooms seed saving to shine a light on local foodways. Originally from Washington Crossing, he has been cooking locally for almost 20 years. 

This recipe showcases the potatoes, summer squash, and garlic scapes out of this week’s share.  Serve this as a side with dinner or make it part of your weekend breakfast buffet.

½ medium yellow squash
½ medium zucchini
1 quart potatoes
½ cup salted butter, divided
¼ cup garlic scapes, chopped
½ tsp sea salt, divided
½ tsp black pepper, divided

  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • Using a mandolin, slice the yellow squash and zucchini into ¼ inch thick slices. Place in small bowl.
  • Slice the potatoes into 1/8 inch thick slices and place in a medium bowl.
  • Melt butter in small saucepan. Add 1 Tbsp melted butter to summer squash, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and toss to coat.  Add 2 Tbsp melted butter to potatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and toss to coat.
  • Leave remaining butter in saucepan. Add garlic scapes and simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Blend butter and garlic scapes. Set aside.
  • Lightly butter baking dish (you can use an 8 inch square dish, or a 9 by 6 inch dish).
  • Layer potatoes and squash in baking dish (not flat, but upright). Fill dish but don’t overpack.
  • Pour butter and garlic scape sauce over vegetables.
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes. Potatoes should be fork tender.
  • Broil for 2 minutes to get the tops extra crispy.
  • Serve topped with fresh herbs or Parmesan cheese (if you can tolerate dairy).

Recipe and photos by Stephanie Borzio.  Stephanie is a mom of three active boys and is an autoimmune warrior.  After battling her own health for several years, Stephanie found healing through food and lifestyle changes, including joining Blooming Glen Farm CSA of which she is a long time member.  She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who is passionate about sharing healthy living tips and real food recipes.  Instagram and Facebook: Tru You Essentials; Website: