The share price reflects the real costs of growing high quality vegetables. By eliminating the costs of packaging, shipping and marketing, the farmer receives a fair share of the profit. The average produce at the supermarket travels 1500 miles. Comparatively, we can offer you delicious flavor, picked at the peak of ripeness, as well as varieties rarely found at the store. You will have the benefit of personally knowing the farmers who grow your food and the land it comes from. We believe this adds up to a better value for your food dollar.
Our harvest season begins mid to late May and runs for a total of 24 weeks long, until late October. A full share with on-farm pick-up costs about $40 a week. That amount brings you a lot of fresh produce of incomparable quality (as well as 10 weeks of beautiful pick-your-own flowers), but it also brings you a lot more: a meaningful connection to your food, the land where it grows, and the community of people who help grow it.
FULL Share members pick up produce at the farm every week (for a total of 24 weeks, on either a Tuesday or a Thursday from 1-7pm). 10-15 items per pick-up. FULL Share members will also do their u-pick when available (including 10 weeks of flowers) every week.
HALF Share members: pick up produce at the farm every other week (for a total of 12 weeks, on either a Tuesday or a Thursday from 1-7pm). 10-15 items per pick-up.
HALF shares will choose A or B week for ease of scheduling. HALF Share members will also complete their u-pick (including flowers when available for approx. 5 weeks) on their designated “Week A” or “Week B.”
Do not choose this option if you will be doing an on-farm CSA Full or Half Share. PYO flowers are included in the shares listed above. This option is available as a stand alone option for folks who are only interested in flowers, and not vegetables.
Blooming Glen Farm offers a 1/2 acre of field grown pick-your-own flowers. Our plantings are staggered throughout the summer to provide a steady supply of foliage and blooms. We are at the mercy of the weather, though, and therefore cannot guarantee any specific flowers will be available at any particular time.
The 8-week PYO flower share will run from early July to early September. You may come to the farm once a week for 8 weeks to pick a large flower bouquet (we will provide a vessel). You may visit the farm to pick on Tuesday & Thursdays between 1-7pm.
Certified organic vegetables for 24 weeks (or 12 if you choose a half share).
PYO crops such as flowers, strawberries, ground cherries, string beans & cherry tomatoes
A customized weekly share recipe posted to our blog, as well as recipe links for ideas and inspiration in our weekly newsletter.
Our 60 page illustrated A to Z Storage Guide (PDF), chock full of storage and cooking tips for every veggie we grow.
Pre-crated shares for safe and convenient pickup, as well as a “sharing table” to swap out items in your share you don’t desire.
Direct access to local value added items (honey, maple syrup, oats, herbal cocktail kits) as well as bulk offerings from the farm for canning and freezing.
10% off at our farmers market booth at Wrightstown Farmers Market (Saturdays) or Headhouse Market (Sundays).
Access to our private Blooming Glen Farm CSA Members Facebook group community. This is a unique and welcoming place to swap recipes, talk food, ask questions, get inspired and get down with the BGF tribe of fellow foodies with experience levels from newbies to CSA masters. Your farmers will also share behind the scenes videos, and run fun contests and challenges.
Access to our hidden website page full of original educational support materials just for our CSA members, such as “10 Tips from CSA Masters: How to go from Veggie Amateur to CSA Pro“; “Tips & Tricks for CSA Success: A Beginner’s Guide for CSA Members“; Recipe Formula one-page PDF’s like “Pesto 101“; “Freezer Cubes“; and “Freestyle Frittata” and so much more!
A weekly live video unboxing of the CSA share, where our CSA Coach talks about storage and cooking tips for every item in that week’s share (later posted to our You Tube channel for those not on Facebook).
We have partnered with local food growers and producers in order to offer share add-ons, to be picked up at the farm in addition to your vegetables, on your scheduled pick-up days. With your support we are building a stronger, more resilient local food web! Click here for more details.
An alt-weekly artisan CHEESE share from the amazing women of Birchrun Hills Farm and Valley Milkhouse Creamery.
A locally grown, chemical-free MUSHROOM share from Primordia Farm.
A certified organic and Fair Trade COFFEE share from local roasters at The Coffee Scoop.
A pastured, non-GMO EGG share from Deep Roots Valley Farm.
An amazing FRUIT share (apples, pears, plums and more!) from North Star Orchard.
An ICE CREAM share from Owowcow Creamery!
An artisan sourdough based BREAD share.