21 Jun Lemon Veggie Risotto
This delicious lemon veggie risotto is an easy way to incorporate more veggies into your meal. This is filling enough to be a main course, or you can pair it with a greens salad. Feel free to add any other seasonal vegetables you have on hand that would fit in nicely like zucchini, asparagus, or the tomatoes that we will be seeing in the CSA share soon! (Leftover risotto also makes a delicious lunch- make small balls or patties, brush the patty with a whisked egg, and dredge in a flour/salt/breadcrumb combo and fry lightly in oil until browned. These are a great addition to salads.)
1 1/2 cup Arborio rice
4 cups vegetable broth
1/2 cup chopped snap peas
1/2 cup chopped greens of choice (I used Swiss chard)
2 torpedo onions diced (leaving the greens)
3 diced garlic scapes
3 tablespoons butter (I used dairy free to make this dish vegan)
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 cup cheese of choice (also used dairy free)
Fresh dill
Heat vegetable broth over stove till hot. In another pot melt 1 tbsp butter to a pot and add garlic scapes and onions. Cook until onions are translucent. Add in rice and toast for a minute, then add wine and lemon juice. Stir until liquid is gone and add in a cup at a time of vegetable broth to the rice mixture. Stir constantly until each cup is dissolved into rice. Once broth is gone and rice is cooked, fold in snap peas, greens, butter and cheese. Season with salt, pepper and fresh dill.
Recipe and Photos by Olivia Edgar. Olivia’s passion for food and cooking finds focus on recipes using plant based, organic ingredients which make people feel their absolute best. She is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and now meal preps for clients and small events. Olivia is newly married, and when she’s not cooking and sharing her recipes and holistic approaches on her Instagram account, you can find her working on their fixer-upper in Telford.
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