03 Jun Fresh Herb Ideas: Basil Salt or Lemon Dill Hummus
Fresh herbs are appearing in this week’s share. Sometimes it can be challenging to use all your herbs up while they are still fresh. One method of preservation is to freeze- wrap your hardier fresh herbs (dill, thyme, sage, rosemary) in a paper towel, place in a plastic freezer bag, and squeeze the air out and freeze. This will keep for months in your freezer- just break or chop bits of the frozen herb into whatever recipe you would like. Or spread out on a single layer on a cooking tray and freeze then bag up for less clumping. More tender herbs like cilantro, parsley or basil can be blended and frozen in ice cube trays.
Basil Salt (pictured above)
Making salt blends is a great way to preserve any fresh herb. Basil salt in particular lends itself to many uses: sprinkle on tomato sandwiches, on popcorn, corn-on-the-cob, or tomato soup. Enjoy it on the rim of a refreshing summer cocktail. (Blackberry Basil Margarita with Basil Salt?!)
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves (about 1/2 a bunch)
1/2 cup kosher salt (I used coarse but you could certainly use whatever salt you have on hand)
Preheat oven to 225 degrees, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Pulse the basil leaves in your food processor, add the salt and continue to pulse. Spread the mixture on your prepared tray and dry in the oven for 15 min. Remove from oven and stir, breaking up any clumps. Bake for another 15 min. Remove from oven, stir, and add more drying time if mixture appears wet at all. When drying is complete, using the parchment paper as a sling, transfer back to your clean, dry food processor. Regrind. Store on your counter or in the fridge, in an airtight container, for up to 4 months.
Recipe and photo from Tricia Borneman.
Lemon Dill Hummus
The creamiest, herb hummus that takes five minutes to whip up! Serve on a salad, or enjoy with crackers or veggies (like thinly sliced kohlrabi) for a snack:
2 cans chickpeas
1/2 cup oil (avocado or olive works)
juice of 1 large lemon, about 1/4 cup
1/2 cup dill without stems
1 green garlic
1/4 tsp cumin
salt and pepper
Blend in food processor till smooth!
Recipe and photo from Olivia Edgar.
Maryann Beatty
Posted at 17:04h, 05 JuneTried the hummus! Delicious. I let it rest overnight for the flavors to develop .
Posted at 18:44h, 11 JuneThis was so easy and delious. I drained and rinsnsed chick peas. It’s a keeper.